John's Beauty Tips

If you desire to really maximize the healthiness of your hair, use coconut milk on your hair. On DRY hair, pour coconut milk oil on all over your scalp and then cover your hair with shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse. You may shampoo and condition. Frequent use of coconut oil will lead you to have extra manageable, healthy looking, so soft and smooth, hair all day!

Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight and chemicals in pools and hot tubs. The UV rays from the sun can dry out any hair color, making it look dull and lifeless. If you are out in the sun, be sure to apply a protective conditioner before going out. The same goes for pools and hot tubs that contain chlorine which can discolor hair. Apply conditioner or oil to your hair to lessen the effects of chlorine, or tie up longer hair.

Don't wash your hair too often. You are stripping your hairs oils so it replaces it again, faster. Instead wash your hair 3 times a week or so to keep your hair from becoming greasy.
Try to find a haircut that makes styling easy, or avoid over-styling your hair.
Many people claim that hair is easier to style when it hasn't been washed for a day.
How to create an updo. This is a clasiic updo inspired by Audry Hepron. These are things that are not extremley difficult and with some paractice you can look and feel like a superstar. You may want to have some one practice on you ane you do the same on them.